
home stretch

went for an early (for me) morning run today on the beach. i did the pier to pier to pier run again, and boy did it kick my arse. i'm tired, but it feels so good to start the day like that. it was really foggy, so not being able to see your destination until you're practically in front of it is pretty challenging. the tide was high too, so i had to alternate between wet and dry sand. it's really difficult! you definitely get a good work out though. the lifeguard towers are marked/numbered by street/block, so toward the end, i'd tell myself, "okay, when i get to 10th street, i'll stop to walk for a bit." but then i'd get to 10th street and say, "okay, try to make it to 11th without stopping." so i ended up running the whole time. it's good to play mind games with yourself. in this case, anyway.

the balboa pier and my first stop. i was relieved i'd made it and wanted to hug a beam (i didn't):

the end was in sight - the newport pier on my way back:

oh, and i wore shoes this time.

last run until sunday. feeling pumped.


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