
pandora, chia, and Nike Free-a

Hello, all!  This is my first official post and I'm so excited to embark on this new journey with all of you who may share our goals, or those of you who just enjoy a good blog post!  As Jess said in her first post, we decided to "become" runners after watching my brother (Jess's husband) run the 50 mile Lost Boys ultra marathon two weeks ago. After seeing all of these super-motivated people and sharing the excitement, our interest was piqued.  "Do you think someone like me could just get out there and start running?"  "How do you even get started as a serious runner?"  Questions like these fueled our conversation as we drove from aid station to aid station to meet "Mr. Ty." "Why not?"  was the general answer.  And so far, we haven't found a reason.

To get me started, and to pump the inspirational "choke", I bought an audio recording of Born to Run by Chris McDougal (recommended previously by Mr. Ty).  As far as storytelling goes, McDougal does a fine job of turning an informational rich personal narrative/expository piece into a piece of writing that reads like great fiction.  Granted, I did only listen to the text, but whose keeping score?  Need inspiration to run?  Want some good advice about how to actually "do" running well?  Want to save some cash on running footwear?  Read it.  Trust me.  I'm a 4th grade teacher, and I have little time to sit down and read/listen to a book from cover to cover, but I found myself cruising around my apartment with headphones on quite often.  I even listened while I ran. 

In addition to taking on a new read, I went straight out and bought a pair of running shoes specifically designed to simulate bare feet (read Born to Run--you'll understand).  Nike Free.  Amazing---allowing my feet to do the job they were designed to do made a huge difference in the way my run felt.  Also, recommended by Ty, I started eating chia seeds.  Same seeds used in the adorable 80's pop culture phenom the Chia Pet.  Look 'em up.  Superfood anyone?  A few spoonfuls of these magic seeds, and you feel pumped.  Maybe it's the placebo effect-maybe it's actually working.  All I know; it makes me feel super energized for a long run-even after an 8-10 hour day at school. Seven of the 10 spent with 35 fourth graders.

I started out running to the pleasant sound of Fred Sanders storytelling Born to Run.  After I finished the book, I tuned in to Pandora radio on my phone and fell in love with the Ting Tings station.  Upbeat, lively tunes with a bit of sass.  Always makes me feel like I'm the hottie in some girly movie.  Cheesy-I know-but does wonders for the motivation.  I'll be sure to share some of my top songs every Friday.

Well, folks, there it is.  My first post on our new adventure.  A bit lengthy, but it felt right.  Please keep up with us and help us stay motivated!  If you have any advice or catchy tunes we would enjoy-post it!


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